Animation of generic 3D head models driven by speech


In this paper, a system for speech-driven animation of generic 3D head models is presented. The system is based on the inversion of a joint Audio-Visual Hidden Markov Model to estimate the visual information from speech data. Estimated visual speech features are used to animate a simple face model. The animation of a more complex head model is then obtained by automatically mapping the deformation of the simple model to it. The proposed algorithm allows the animation of 3D head models of arbitrary complexity through a simple setup procedure. The resulting animation is evaluated in terms of intelligibility of visual speech through subjective tests, showing a promising performance.

2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
Mauricio Cerda Villablanca
Mauricio Cerda Villablanca
Assistant Prof. School of Medicine University of Chile

Assistant Prof. School of Medicine University of Chile

Nancy Hitschfeld Kahler
Nancy Hitschfeld Kahler
+Lab founder | Full Professor Universidad de Chile

Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Chile. Her main research interests include geometric modeling, geometric meshes, and parallel algorithms (GPU computing), focused in computational science, and engineering applications.